本日は調布市民放送局に今回のカンヌ行きに関して、自宅近くの調布市の落合動物病院にて取材していただきました。カンヌに行った後は現地の映像とともに再度取材してもらい6月下旬に特集としてケーブルテレビもしくはネットで配信します。猫の保護活動を3年以上にわたり続けていてつながった動物病院からこのように嬉しい予期せぬ展開!猫の恩返しに違いない?これまでレスキューした何十匹の猫ちゃんに感謝。彼らはまさに守護神です:)Today, the local TV station called Community Access Television Chofu interviewed me about the trip to Cannes at Ochiai animal hospital in Chofu, which is located at the vicinity of my apartment. After I return to Japan, they will interview me again, and will broadcast the program on cable TV or on the internet in late June. This unexpected happy movement that is connected to the animal hospital has unfolded from the point where I have been continuing the cat rescuing activity over three years. I bet cats must bring those lucks. I am deeply grateful for all the tens of cats I have rescued in the past. You are my guardians :) http://chofu-catch.or.jp/ http://ochiaiah.jp/
祝)目標達成!クラウドファンディング皆さんご支援ありがとうございました。ストレッチゴールの目標として残り30日は、カンヌでの経験を生かした次回作(短編もしくは長編)に向けた資金を集めていきたいと思います。引き続き応援のほどよろしくお願いします。Congratulation to all! Thanks to your sincere supports, the first goal of this crowdfunding campaign has successfully achieved. For the rest of 30 days, I am going to set the stretched goal, that is to collect the fund for the next films (short film or feature film) which reflects the experience from Cannes film festival. Please keep supporting me. Thank you.
クラウドファンディング開始から1週間。(祝)昨日ついに80%を超えました。応援してくれている皆さまに本当に感謝の言葉しかありません。あともう一息で目標に届きます。目標に到達したら、ストレッチゴールも立てていこうと思います。引き続き最後まで応援よろしくお願いします。A week has already passed since the crowdfunding campaign was started. Yesterday, the total sum of the fund has just exceeded 80%. I cannot thank you enough. One more push to reach the goal. Once it is successfully achieved, I will propose the stretch goal. Please keep supporting me towards the end of the project. Thank you