To koreaI am truly honored to announce that my short film, ‘Goodbye my son’ won the judge special award and performance actor award in the 1st Hongseong international short film festival 2018!All my gratitude is sent to the film crews and selection team in the festival! I am scheduled to head to Korea from next week as the screening and ceremony will be taken place there.韓国へ拙作「Goodbye my son」が第1回洪城国際短編映画祭にて光栄にも審査委員特別賞と主演男優賞を受賞しました。映画クルーと映画祭スタッフに感謝の意を捧げます!上映と授賞式に伴い来週から1週間近く韓国に向かう予定です。
1st time award laurel in the USA! アメリカにて初受賞の快挙! I am extremely honored to address that my short film ‘Goodbye my son’ is selected to the official selection of Mindfield Film Festival • Albuquerque's in USA, and won the Diamond award, the highest award in Best short film! All my gratitude is sent to the film crews, casts, and supporters as well as the selection team in the film festival. This is the first time to receive the trophy with the film! 拙作、「Goodbye my son」がアメリカのMindfield Film Festival • Albuquerque'sにてオフィシャルセレクションに選出されBest short film部門で最高賞のダイヤモンド賞を受賞しました。映画クルー、キャスト、サポーターそして映画祭スタッフに感謝!この映画での最初のトロフィーになります!
初韓国! I am delighted to announce that my short film ‘Goodbye my son’ is selected to the official selection of the 1st Hong Seong International Short Film Festival 2018 in Korea! All my gratitude is sent to the film crews, casts, and supporters as well as the selection team in the film festival. The official selection screenings are scheduled from November 5th to 7th 2018. Please go and watch the film to Korea! 拙作、「Goodbye my son」が韓国の第1回Hong Seong International Short Film Festival 2018にてオフィシャルセレクションに選出されました。映画クルー、キャスト、サポーターそして映画祭スタッフに感謝!コンペ作品の上映は11/5-7です。お時間ある方は韓国までどうぞ!
Your vote is priceless!どうかあなたの清き1票を! Dear all my friends and supporters of ‘Goodbye my son’「Goodbye my son」をご支援いただいておりますサポーターと親愛なる友人一同へ As of 10/29, Paris Lift-Off Film Festival Online 2018 is now live and accepting votes for a week! 本日10/29から1週間、Paris Lift-Off Film Festival Online 2018が開催され投票を開始します。 Please go and vote for my film, ‘Goodbye my son’ Also you can go and watch nearly 100 films from all over the world! どうか「Goodbye my son」へ1票をお願いします。世界各国からの100近くある映画も併せて一緒にどうぞ! #ParisLiftOff #ParisLiftOffOnline#LiftOffFilmFestivals #SupportIndieFilm
I am honored to announce that my film, 'Goodbye my son', was selected to an official selection of Paris Lift-Off Film Festival Online, which will be going live and will start accepting votes in next week, Monday 29th October 00:00 (GMT). Please come and watch! I am grateful to all the film crews and the selection member of the festival. If you want to watch it and get the access link to the festival, feel free to PM me! 拙作「Goodbye my son」がParis Lift-Off Film Festival Onlineにてオフィシャルセレクションに選出されました。映画祭は来週29日0時(GMT)に開催され投票を開始します。是非どうぞ見に来てください!映画クルーと映画祭メンバーに感謝!もし興味があり映画祭のリンクご希望の方は、PMお願いします。 #ParisLiftOff #ParisLiftOffOnline #LiftOffFilmFestivals #SupportIndieFilm